Soft Skills Blog: Creativity

image source: Bill Watterson,

Do you remember being a kid and wanting to draw something that was different from what the other kids drew? That desire was the first sign of your creativity developing. When you drew that new hybrid dinosaur/unicorn/dog, that was your creativity taking on life. Dreaming up your freaky chimera kingdom helped you develop a skill that can and will be used in all your jobs. When you have to come up with ideas at work or on your own time, you can use that creativity to help with problem-solving and originality.

Creative Values of the Creative Thinker

In your academic career you will constantly be asked to write papers no matter your major, and if you are an English major this will increase tenfold. Creativity is invaluable for putting in the extra effort that teachers love to see. Putting your unique creative touch onto any paper can help increase a reader’s interest in what you are writing about, no matter the subject matter.

Do You Really Need Creativity in the Workplace? YES!

In the workplace, you may not think creativity can come into play, but it can. Depending on your job you may have to create documents or presentations for your boss or even for your boss’s boss. In these situation, and many others, being creative can come in very handy. Creativity can also help you write emails at work. Making an email creative involves being able to put your message into a clear and easy to read form. If you can demonstrate to your employer that you have the ability to be original from everyone else, and have quality to your work, they are more likely to trust you with a job that requires a more creative worker. Also, having that creativity will help you stand out in sea of employees.

How to be Creative

Creativity is not really a skill that can be taught, but it is a skill that can be enhanced and shaped. Sure, you can learn to draw or to create specific things, but there is more to creativity then just having an artistic skill. Your creativity should be taking your creative skills and making them original. So if you have to draw a butterfly, don’t just draw the butterfly like everyone else. Make it yours. Add an extra layer to the wings, give it more color, and make it as intricate as you want. Whenever a teacher gives you an assignment that doesn’t really have limitations take it to the moon and back before ever being satisfied. Doing these types of exercises when the chance is afforded to you will allow for that enhancement of your creativity, and later in your life when you are doing projects at your workplace you will naturally start to add your personal flair of creativity to it because you know that you can make more than basic.

Creativity is more than your ability to draw, but it is hard for many people to realize that. Your creativity can afford you many opportunities in both a classroom and a workplace to show off your originality and ability to be more than the basic.